Monday, October 3, 2016

Aritaum Mono Eyes

Today, I'll be talking about four eye shadows I've recently picked up from Aritaum! It's from their Mono Eyes collection, which are individual eyeshadows. Each eye shadow typically cost between $5-6 and come in a wide variety of shades, finishes, colors, and textures! (I bought these up on ebay.)

I picked up the following shades:

No. 37 Cocktail Dress
No. 95 Stand By Me
No. 102 New Blossom
No. 113 Candy Drops

Top from left to right: No. 113 (Candy Drops), No. 102 (New Blossom)
Bottom from left to right: No. 95 (Stand By Me), No. 37 (Cocktail Dress)
There were a bunch of other shades that I wanted to pick up, but I decided to be good and only pick up these colors. I have way too much makeup, but I've always wanted to try this brand out. I picked up mostly pinky/burgundy colors because I don't have a ton of these colors in my mostly neutral eyeshadow collection.

Swatches from left to right: No. 37 (Cocktail Dress), No. 95 (Stand By Me), No. 102 (New Blossom), No. 113 (Candy Drops)

For some reason, the No. 95 (Stand by me) shadow is showing up a lot more red in the photo, but in real life it has a more of a pinkish hue to it. They all swatch well and are pretty pigmented. The glitter/shimmery shadows do need to be built up a bit, but they have such a pretty effect when it shifts in light at different angles. I find that using a patting motion with the glitter/shimmer shadows is the best way to apply them.

One thing to quickly note, you have to be careful with these eyeshadows because I lightly dropped No. 113 Candy drops and the eyeshadow completely shattered. I was able to kind of put it back together and use it, but I'm still kind of bummed about it. -__- (me and my butterfingers)

I will definitely buy more, but in the very distant future. I have way more eyeshadows than I know what to do with right now. But definitely pick up a few if you're interested!

Just wanted to note that the products I review are all purchased with my own money, unless I state otherwise. If you do use any of these products, please do so at your discretion as the results will vary depending on the person and their skin type.  I am in no way responsible for the results or outcome if you decide to try any of the products I recommend. These reviews are my 100% honest thoughts. Please don't be offended if I didn't like a product that you happen to love. What may work or not work for me, may be totally different from you.

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